The stampede that claimed six lives at Tirupati was caused by "overcrowding", said the Chairman of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD). TTD Chairman BR Naidu was speaking to reporters after visiting the Sri Venkateswara Ramnarayan Ruia Government General Hospital in Tirupati, where he met the injured and reviewed their condition with doctors. Calling the incident "unfortunate," BR Naidu stated that a detailed report would released soon and Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu would provide further information about the incident.

BR Naidu said, "The reason (for the stampede) is overcrowding...

it is an unfortunate incident...

tomorrow CM will tell everything, today the complete report will come. A total of 6 people have died, some are from Tamil Nadu and some are from Andhra Pradesh. As of now, one body has been identified and 5 are yet to be identified.

.." Meanwhile, TTD Board member Bhanu Prakash Reddy expressed his apologies for the incident and stated that the trust would conduct an inquiry in this regard and take appropriate action.

Reddy also informed that CM Naidu and the state Health Minister would visit Tirupati on Thursday morning. Speaking to reporters, TTD Board Member Bhanu Prakash Reddy said that around 40 individuals were injured in the stampede and are receiving treatment in the hospital. Bhanu Prakash Reddy stated, "To distribute tokens for 'Ekadasi Darshan', we opened 91 counters. is unfortunate that stampede happened.

6 devotees died in the stampede, 40 h.