LET’S be crystal clear. There is NO Spanish tourist ban. Despite the fear-mongering headlines, there is not, and will never be, a ban on tourists.
To say otherwise is just total nonsense. Last year, Spain welcomed more than 94million holidaymakers - bringing in an astonishing £106billion in revenue. Tourism generates more than 13percent of Spain’s GDP .
But with this booming industry, of course, comes issues. The last few years has seen protests across mainland Spain , the Balearic and Canary Islands as locals frustrated by the lack of affordable housing take action. Read more on Spain In Barcelona , furious city dwellers fired water pistols at tourists eating in restaurants .
In Majorca, they posted fake closure signs on beaches and in Tenerife protestors chanted ‘This beach is ours’ as Brits sunbathed nearby. The root of the issue is the lack of housing. Protestors are furious at the huge increase in short term rentals like Airbnb , saying they are robbing residents of affordable properties.
Most read in News Travel In a bid to placate Spanish citizens, authorities are fighting back. Malaga has introduced a new law this month, preventing the registration of any more new holiday rentals for the next three years across 43 districts in the city and across the Costa del Sol. It follows similar legislation in Alicante and Madrid .
Putting the brakes on yet more apartments being turned into short term rental holiday properties is hoped to give locals a better chance of f.