A hair-raising story Donald Trump told about almost dying in a helicopter ride alongside Kamala Harris ’ ex-boyfriend Willie Brown is completely untrue, Brown said. The former president told the dramatic tale during a press conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday when asked about how Harris’ relationship with Brown, the former San Francisco mayor, may have affected her career. “Well, I know Willie Brown very well,” Trump answered.

“In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him.” “We thought maybe this is the end,” Trump continued. “We were in a helicopter going to a certain location together and there was an emergency landing.

This was not a pleasant landing, and Willie—he was a little concerned.” The Republican nominee went on to claim that while he hadn’t seen Brown “in years,” Brown had previously told him “terrible things” about Harris. “He had a big part in what happened with Kamala,” Trump added.

“But he—I don’t know, maybe he’s changed his tune, but he was not a fan of hers very much at that point.” Every aspect of Trump’s account is wrong, according to Brown. The 90-year-old told The New York Times that he’d never ridden a helicopter with Trump, nor had he ever been close to death during any trip in a chopper.

“You know me well enough to know that if I almost went down in a helicopter with anybody, you would have heard about it!” Brown dated Harris between 1994 and 1995 when he was the speaker of the California State .