I don’t think Bill Maher knows anything about politics that you don’t. But I do think the host of HBO’s Real Time has a kind of specialized knowledge. He knows when showman has lost his touch and turned himself into a laughingstock.

And he knows there’s no turning back from that. That’s my takeaway from Maher’s latest. On Friday night, he predicted that Donald Trump will lose the presidential election, and he will lose, Maher said, due to comments he made during the debate last week with Kamala Harris about people eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio.

“I have the credibility for this prediction,” Maher said, “because I have been called a Trump alarmist for a very long time. They were wrong. I was right.

He wasn’t going to leave power. But ever since then, and since the Access Hollywood tape where he said I’m going to grab them by the pussy and he survived – every time he’s done crazy shit and gotten into trouble, I said no, no. It’s not over.


Tonight, I’m saying I think it’s over.” I think we should take this prediction seriously, as I said, not because he knows politics but because he knows show business. He knows how to tell a joke.

He knows what’s funny. He knows the blurry difference between getting people to laugh and getting laughed at. He understands the fine line between making others the butt of the joke and being the butt.

Trump turned politics into a joke and people laughed. Now he’s the butt. On Friday, Maher compared.