Former president Donald Trump trumpeted once again Wednesday his unexplained plans to “protect” American women, this time insisting he will do it “whether the women like it or not.” Trump’s latest—and arguably strangest—outburst about women came with a taunt aimed at his own campaign staff , who he said told him to stop asserting his “inappropriate” desire to be a savior for the female half of the U.S.

population. “My people told me about four weeks ago, I was saying, ‘No, I want to protect the people. I want to protect the women of our country.

I want to protect the women,’” Trump said at a rally outside Green Bay, Wisconsin . ADVERTISEMENT He then imitated his own advisors: “‘Sir, please don’t say that. We think it’s very inappropriate for you to say that.

’” “I pay these guys a lot of money, can you believe it?” Trump continues, to a round of chuckles from his MAGA faithful. “And I said, ‘Well, I‘m going to do it whether the women like it or not. I’ve gotta protect them.

’” The Republican nominee for president raised eyebrows last month when he told female voters, “I am your protector,” insisting their lives will be “happy, beautiful and great again” and that they “will no longer be thinking about abortion” if he’s elected back into the White House. Trump’s messaging apparently sent a shiver up the spine of even his own advisors. But with the resurrection of his pledge to assert himself as the one true sav.