Mumbai: The police have recorded the statement of Bollywood actor Safi Ali Khan in connection with the case where he was brutally attacked inside his Bandra home on January 16. As per the statement, Saif told police that he saw the intruder and had a one-on-one combat with him. The statement was recorded by the Mumbai police last night.

According to police, the details corroborated his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan's statement. He added that there was no theft in the house. He said everyone was scared seeing a stranger at the residence.


And then I tried to overpower him...

when he repeatedly stabbed me, I loosened my grip. Jehangir (Jeh) was crying. The accused was spotted near Jehangir's room," Saif told the police.

He said Jeh's nanny told him about the Rs 1 crore demand by the accused. The actor added that everyone was shocked seeing what happened and the intruder stabbed him when he tried to overpower the Bangladeshi attacker. Saif said that he and his wife Kareena Kapoor were in their bedroom on the 11th floor when they heard the screams of their nurse Eliyama Philip.

He mentioned that Kareena witnessed the chaos from the room as the family tried to battle out the intruder. Saif's Medical Report Meanwhile, the medical report of the actor said that the actor suffered a 0.5 to 1 cm injury on the left side of his back, and an injury of 5 to 10 cm was reported on the left wrist.

It added that an injury of 10-15 cm was found on the right side of Saif's neck, while an injury of .