The Jordan Trail offers an unparalleled adventure through the Middle East, stretching over 650 kilometers from Umm Qais in the north to Aqaba in the south. This extensive hiking path traverses a variety of landscapes, including rugged mountains, tranquil wadis, and ancient ruins. It provides a unique way to experience the rich history and culture of Jordan.

Planning your trek Planning your trek on the Jordan Trail is essential. It spans eight sections, each with unique challenges and sights. Choose to hike a section or the entire trail based on your time and fitness.

Essential gear includes sturdy boots and a reliable map or GPS. Hiring a local guide can also enhance your experience, providing deeper insights into the trail's features and history. Discover ancient Petra Exploring Petra is essential on the Jordan Trail.

This ancient city, carved by the Nabateans over 2,000 years ago into rose-red sandstone, hosts significant sites like Al-Khazneh (the Treasury) and Ad Deir (the Monastery). Spend a full day here, preferably early morning or late afternoon to dodge the crowds, and discover its many tombs and temples. Experience Bedouin hospitality A highlight of trekking in Jordan is experiencing Bedouin hospitality.

These indigenous desert dwellers are known for their generosity toward visitors. Many sections of the trail pass through Bedouin territories where you can stay in traditional tents called "beit shar" (hair tents). Sharing a cup of sweet tea or cardamom-flavored coff.