We’ve sung ‘Why Does It Always Rain on Me’ when the heavens opened or at a festival? Flowers in the Window has brought a tear to the eye when a little one is on the way? Well, they are back with yet more good music with the release of their latest album, L.A. Times.

A ten-song record of delights. Singer Fran Healy said: “The title, L.A Times – if you rewind back to 1990, there was a guy stood outside Marks & Spencer on Argyle Street who would sell the Evening Times final addition.

“He would say ‘Fin-aaa-l Times’. I would sit and think he sounded like he was calling the end of time. I always liked the idea of calling an album that, but worried it sounded too much of a downer.

Then I wrote this song L.A. Times and I thought ‘this sounds like an album title.

'” The rest of the band joined Fran in LA, where he was living, and recorded the ‘old school, ten song album’. But it feels anything but old. It sounds like Travis in their prime with singles ‘Bus’ and ‘Gaslight’ proving instant earworms.

“I feel very competitive and we’ve got a bee in our bonnet about this record. It’s good,” Fran explained, with his red locks glowing. Dyed by the Kardashians’ hairdresser nonetheless, he told me.

Fresh from supporting The Killers on their UK tour and a surprise set at TRNSMT festival, the band are soon heading back out on the road, headlining their own Hydro set on December 21. Bassist Dougie Payne says it’s a date they enjoy playing. “It feels l.