Watching the sun as it sets is one of life’s favourite simple pleasures for 40% of the nation, with a quarter of all adults setting aside time to make sure they catch it every day. With the sunshine beginning to fade, Pimm’s has enlisted leading travel expert Simon Calder to help sunset-seekers discover the perfect location in which to raise a free can of the quintessential summer tipple and toast the last Bank Holiday of the year. Research commissioned by the brand reveals that 73% believe that location is an important factor when watching the sun go down, 41% enjoy the romance of sharing the sight with their partner and 28% say a sunset is best enjoyed with a drink in their hand.

Natural settings like beaches are the top choice for 38% of the 2,000 people polled while 22% are happy to watch the spectacle of the light changing from their own home and 24% try to capture the magical experience daily. Simon was tasked with choosing the 10 most beautiful locations in England and Wales for watching the sun go down that crucially – if enjoying a drink or two – are accessible by public transport. The top three are Exmouth in Devon, Greenwich Park in south-east London and Morecambe in Lancashire, while the full list contains beaches, hills and parks all offering superb views during the golden hour.

To celebrate Pimm’s is giving away free cans of its No 1 pre-mix serve to enjoy during Bank Holiday picnics and sunsets with friends. Simon Calder said: “I was thrilled to be .