There’s a book dedicated to scenes encountered by travellers who have stumbled across a setting which reminds them of something they might have seen in the offbeat films of director Wes Anderson. What sort of films? Fantastic Mr Fox. The Grand Budapest Hotel.

The Royal Tenenbaums. And what sort of scenes? Symmetrical design, head-on camera angles, considered framing, bold colour palettes and a hint of something from another era being given a fresh appreciation with contemporary touches. The book comes from an Instagram account started up by a couple in Brooklyn, New York, whittled down from the millions of pictures they’ve received from what they call Adventurers.

They have two million followers and posts from all corners of the world. Now, The Sunday Post has discovered a new entry. Step forward the .

Situated half a mile along the road from the Craignure ferry port, the hotel is, at first glance, fairly unprepossessing, a long pebbledash block, dating perhaps from the 1960s or 70s, when brutalist architecture was desired more so than the storied Western Isles Hotel with its Victorian history. Those who whizz past en route to Tobermory are guilty, perhaps, of judging a hotel by its exterior. And its the interior of the Isle of Mull, or more specifically the scene which greets guests as they step through the door, which evoked thoughts of Wes Anderson once we arrived for a weekend break.

The new owners of the Isle of Mull, Crerar Hotels, have upgraded the building with bo.