Words hold a profound influence over our thoughts and emotions. A simple change in our language can significantly alter the quality of our thinking, reasoning, and actions. Consider the shift from 'I am a body' to 'I have a body,' or from 'I am sick and miserable' to 'My body is experiencing sickness and misery.

' These subtle linguistic changes can transform body-conscious feelings of confinement, illness, and sorrow into a soul-conscious spirit of detachment, solace, and contentment. This awareness of being a non-physical entity also instils a sense of security and peace of mind in us with the truth that since the soul doesn't own anything, it can't lose anything. Top Picks For You Be Like Radha, Transcend The Dance Of Thoughts Wisdom Shines Through Inner Silence Of The Mind Admiring The Wildfires In Your Backyard With such a conscious mindset, we can put our worldly positions and possessions to their best use and care as trustees, having no strings attached.

Our world is made up of two realities - inner and outer. The inner reality constitutes our thoughts and feelings as well as our inner personality or sanskars. The outer reality combines our physical body, the roles we play at home, workplace or in society and very importantly our worldly relations and resources.

Our inner world determines the outer world, just as the external environment reflects our internal environs of thinking, reacting and responding. It's also true that we work very hard to create and sustain a bea.