The animated Transformers One is headed to theaters in September, and out of all the remaining upcoming movies in 2024 , it's at the top of my list. It's a movie that I'm excited to take my daughter to, but I'd be lying if I wasn't equally as excited to see it. Transformers One looks like there's something for fans, both new and old, and it definitely has another thing going for it that I've missed in this franchise.

For the first time in a very long time, I'm eagerly awaiting the release of a Transformers movie. Was it the hype of seeing the voice cast next to their animated robots ? I'll admit I'm a fan of all those actors, but more than that, there are a couple of things about Transformers One that have me beyond excited to buy a ticket and see this new direction for the franchise on the big screen. Transformers One Feels Like The Perfect Starting Point For Kids To Get Into The Franchise There are upsides and downsides to beloved Hollywood franchises lasting 40 to 50 years past their inception.

For those of us who have been around for the majority of said franchises, we've seen properties like Transformers evolve from being a kids show to more of a mature product for an older audience. The downside for those of us with kids is that as much as I'd love to show my six-year-old Transformers , few things released in the past decade are age-appropriate, and we're deep into the lore with the rest of it. Now we finally have a movie that delves into it all from the very beginning,.