Transform and roll out! Exploring the nature of a fractured friendship between a young Optimus Prime and Megatron , once known as Orion Pax and D-16 billions of years ago on the living machine planet of Cybertron, Paramount's new "Transformers One" (Sept. 20) is a supremely entertaining animated film showcasing a visual banquet of next-generation CGI from Industrial Light & Magic. What began as a Hasbro toy line and animated series in the '80s has exploded over the decades as one of the premier sci-fi intellectual properties in the world, a multi-billion-dollar global juggernaut made up of action figures, comics, video games, clothing, cartoons, and movies.

Billed as the first all-CG Transformers film, " Transformers One " was helmed by the Academy Award-winning director Josh Cooley of "Toy Story 4," who delivers a supercharged origin story for Orion Pax (Chris Hemsworth) and D-16 (Brian Tyree Henry) prior to the various narratives offered up in the seven live-action "Transformers" features beginning in 2007 with director Michael Bay. Joining Hemsworth and Henry in the stellar vocal cast are Keegan-Michael Key (B-127 a.k.

a. Bumblebee), Scarlett Johansson (Elita-1), Laurence Fishburne (Alpha Trion), Jon Hamm (Sentinel Prime), and Steve Buscemi (Starscream). Many fans were hesitant regarding Hemsworth replacing the iconic Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime but Hemsworth does a fantastic job of evoking a younger, evolving version of the Autobot's charismatic leader.
