I love reading the comments for my columns from readers, and something I’ve noticed is that there are readers who get motivated by the inspirational columns, and others who say, ‘it can’t be done!’ There’s a picture I saw in a magazine, it showed two passengers in a train, one man was looking out and up at the tall, snow- capped mountains and smiling. The other man was looking down at the floor of the train and frowning angrily. The man looking out was enjoying the beautiful view.

The man looking down was seeing only the dirt on the floor and was missing the scenery outside! As you know, some people spend their lives looking down. Downcast in spirit, they hang their heads and lead negative and joyless lives. Frankly, it’s a difficult way to live.

Others are constantly looking out, but in a fearful way. They watch anxiously for problems, real or imaginary, that they feel will threaten their happiness. Because they are scared of risks, they seldom challenge themselves to grow and rarely build themselves up in life.

There are others too, who always seem to be looking around. Forever searching for a better partner, a better job or a better situation. They keep a watchful eye out and seldom want or experience a long lasting commitment.

And others yet can be found looking back. They believe their best days are behind them and they have no hope for the future. They can’t fully enjoy today because their eyes are on yesterday.

They always spend their time talking about t.