For the first time, Solution Partners can leverage an open, no-code platform for supply chain orchestration. BOSTON , Aug. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TraceLink Inc.

, the only no-code platform for intelligent orchestration of end-to-end supply chains, has announced the second generation and expansion of its ecosystem partner program, Opus PartnerLink. This enhanced program offers Solution, Technology, and Service Partners unique business opportunities to enable their clients to unlock tens of billions of dollars in digitalization value which has been inaccessible due to the extreme cost and technology integration barriers that have historically prevented the digitalization of 100% of trading partner relationships. For the first time, Solution Partners can leverage an open, no-code supply chain digitalization platform to independently develop end-to-end solutions that orchestrate all multi-enterprise processes with all supply chain partners .

The Opus Platform suite features revolutionary multi-enterprise and no-code capabilities not found anywhere else in supply chain management, including: A single integration platform featuring universal support for all modes of integration No-code solution designer for multi-enterprise solution configuration Next-gen B2B transaction exchange and first end-to-end digital orchestration engine Configurable reports and dashboards for sharing process visibility with supply chain partners A generative AI co-pilot for accelerating supply chain digit.