Parks Kugle Trending Kourtlynn Faith (@kourtlynn_) learned the hard way about the pitfalls of buying a new car and recently posted a viral video warning the younger generation about taking your time when shopping for a vehicle in your 20s. Viewed over 167,000 times as of publication, the video features Faith detailing how rushing into buying a new luxury vehicle ruined her life. “I don’t want young people to end up in the same situation I have by buying a car that has literally ruined my [expletive] life,” Faith says, before detailing how important research and preparation really are when shopping for a car.

According to Faith, in 2022, she had a Lexus that she loved, but decided to give it to her mom and get herself a new car. This decision started an ordeal she’s still living with today. She visited a dealership in California that offered her more than what she owed on her car and “zero dollars down” on a used BMW X3 with 30,000 miles on it.

Thrilled with the opportunity, Faith signed on the dotted line, traded her Lexus, and took home a beautiful BMW. “I went to the dealership looking for a Lexus NX, I wanted to be in a truck, and the guy at the dealership talked me into getting a BMW X3,” she recalled. Unfortunately, for her, she failed to notice an obvious “red flag.

” There were only “two Lexus NXs, but like 12 BMW X3s” in the lot. The month after she bought her new car her “A/C went out” and “a month after the A/C went out” her brakes had.