Rocking Star Yash, the cinematic powerhouse who redefined Indian cinema with the KGF franchise, celebrated his 39th birthday today with a special treat for his fans. The highly anticipated film Toxic - A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups released a captivating 'Birthday Peek' video, showcasing Yash in a bold new avatar that promises to take storytelling to new, daring heights. In the teaser, Yash, dressed in a sharp white suit, fedora, and cigar, makes a dramatic entrance, exuding a sense of swagger and mystery.

The club setting, brimming with opulence, indulgence, and a sultry atmosphere, sets the stage for the film's provocative narrative. The 'Birthday Peek' teases an intoxicating world, inviting viewers into a realm of chaos and creativity—a perfect blend of artistry and commercial storytelling that transcends boundaries. Director Geetu Mohandas, who co-wrote the film, shared her admiration for Yash’s visionary approach to the project: “Toxic - A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups is a story that defies conventions and provokes thought.

Yash is a man who sees the extraordinary in the ordinary, and working alongside him was both a privilege and a thrill. His creative process is meticulous, and his passion for cinema is boundless.” Geetu also spoke about the film's unique blend of artistic vision and commercial storytelling: “This is not just a film to be watched, but to be felt.

Our worlds collided, creating something neither compromised nor chaotic, but transformative. It’s a jo.