A resident who lives on the the road known to be Swindon’s 'most polluted' is concerned about speeding traffic. Daphne Dingle, 84, says she sees cars regularly speeding on Kingshill Road outside her house. She has not seen police carry out speed checks on the road in years despite children from three nearby schools crossing the road with no crossing.

(Image: Newsquest) She said: “How we haven’t had a really bad accident, I don’t know. The fact the children don’t get killed, I am amazed. “I almost want to say I wish there was a bad accident, but I do not want anybody to get hurt.

” The road is limited to 30 miles per hour, but Daphne says cars are “constantly” breaking that. (Image: Newsquest) “I would almost guarantee that every other car, at least, is going over 30”, she said. There is no crossing at the bottom of Kingshill Road, meaning that children from the three nearby schools must cross the road unaided.

She remembers that Wiltshire Police used to carry out occasional speed checks on the road, hiding in her bushes at the bottom of the hill. “It did deter the traffic: they used to hesitate because there might be a policeman there”, Daphne believes. Speed checks may not be being carried out on the road because nobody has reported the issue.

(Image: Dave Cox) A Wiltshire Police spokesperson advised: “To understand the issues the resident and the community face, we would encourage the following course of action – seek a traffic survey (TS) throu.