A group of tourists are causing chaos on a daily basis at a hotel in Benidorm...

all for a sunbed by the pool. We’re all familiar with sunbed wars and the age-old tactic of holidaymakers getting up early to claim their spot with a towel. It’s a sport that’s stood the test of time for many, many decades.

But this flock of people – or ‘wild geese’ as one eyewitness described them – have taken things to a whole new level in the Spanish holiday hotspot. Footage filmed by British tourist Kayla Hodgson at Flamingo Oasis Hotel shows crowds rushing into the pool area as soon as the gates open. They can be seen swarming the complex within seconds and fighting it out for the best spot.

While some channeled their inner-Olympic athlete, Kayla said their efforts are in-fact completely unnecessary. Sunbed races in Benidorm – Flamingo Oasis 😂 #sunbedwars🤣 #benidorm #flamingooasishotel #running #foryoupage #viral ‘Every morning at around 7.30am, people will start queuing up at both pool entrance doors,’ the 28-year-old care manager told Luxury Travel Daily.

‘The pool doesn’t open until around 8am, sometimes 8.30am. As soon as the doors open they are like wild geese running for a bed.

‘I have watched people get a bed in their chosen spot, turn around to get another bed and someone has stolen their first bed. ‘There hasn’t been any big arguments or fights, however there is no need to queue up and run. More Trending Homes ‘started to shake’ just before pl.