For years, tensions have been bubbling up between locals and tourists in Barcelona. There have been anti-tourism protests in the Spanish city and residents have sprayed "go home" graffiti all over the walls of the iconic Las Ramblas boulevard. Unfortunately for them though, the scribblings are doing little to deter people from visiting.

While some are taking the message to heart, others find it to be absolutely hilarious. In social media videos and Instagram posts that are bound to enrage locals, people are treating the graffiti like a fun new attraction. Some stop to point and laugh, while others pose by the angry messages and snap pictures for their feeds.

In a video posted by Parrot Tours on TikTok , visitors shared their honest thoughts on the anti-tourism graffiti. One admitted: "I get the message but it's still funny you know." The tourist then shrugged off any of the negativity and defiantly said: "I will still come.

" He even pulled out his camera roll and showed all the snaps he'd jokingly taken of the graffiti. While some thought that locals' feelings were "valid", others believe the irate comments should be directed elsewhere. One pointed out: "It's good for the economy.

" Another said: "I'm not offended. And obviously we as tourists are providing most of them with jobs as well." And a third added: "In some cities, tourism is also quite a source of income.

" This wasn't the only video to ruffle feathers on TikTok recently – as a woman caused a stir by poking fun at .