Monday, September 9, 2024 In the post-pandemic travel boom, millions of tourists are making up for lost time by exploring some of the world’s most beautiful destinations. However, this surge in global travel has led to overtourism in certain locations, where the number of visitors far exceeds the local population, making peaceful getaways crowded and difficult to enjoy. A recent study by MoneyTransfers.

com highlights some of the world’s most overcrowded tourist hotspots, with Phuket, Thailand, claiming the top spot. This stunning Southeast Asian island now has an astounding 118 tourists for every local resident. Known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant culture, Phuket has long been a popular vacation spot, but the overwhelming number of visitors is starting to take its toll on the island’s natural beauty.

Tourists are attracted to the pristine shores and rich history of Thailand, but the once-serene destinations like Kata Beach are now likened to more commercialized European beach towns such as Benidorm and Costa Brava. One visitor described their disappointment with Kata Beach, sharing how the once-clear waters are now polluted with rubbish and oil, detracting from the natural beauty that once drew travelers from around the world. Other notable destinations facing overtourism include Pattaya and Krabi in Thailand, Heraklion in Greece, Venice in Italy, and Mugla in Turkey.

Venice, for example, now sees 21 tourists for every local resident, prompting local authorities.