Back in June, strategy bods Creative Assembly put out a chunky , chatty video discussing the next expansion for Total War: Warhammer 3 . Aside from a not-so-subtle hint that the orcs, ogres, and Khorne pack would feature at least one colossal squig, it also ended with a tease at smaller bits of new content coming alongside regular patches. As of the game’s latest hotfix blog , we’ve now got a better idea when we’ll start seeing some of these “smaller bits and pieces.

” Bits and pieces? In this economy? Yes, and this month in fact. “Late August” to be precise by quoting a vague statement precisely. Whether this is all just bluster meant to keep the perpetually orc-pilled masses (me) sated until the DLC, I can’t be certain.

I’d put the chances at three goblins balanced on each other’s shoulders so they can reach the Weetabix on top of the fridge out of five. Still, the fact they’ve called attention to it seems significant, and there’ll be a fresh new blog from design director Mitchell Heastie “in the coming weeks” to discuss exactly what the new patch will entail. You don’t Release The Heast for nothing! Or, maybe you do.

It’s my first time encountering his name, honestly. Either way, we’ve at least got some hotfix notes to keep us sated until then. There’s several dozen items on the list, although my attention was immediately drawn to the list of units that were “not displaying stumps when dismembered”.

Now, we can adequately maim Nasty S.