A TOT given just three weeks to live and sent home to die is still ­battling more than six months later — with his mum declaring: “He’s a survivor.” “Living miracle” Nickey Flood suffers from a number of conditions and badly needs a double lung transplant. However, doctors here have refused to operate on the 14-month-old, from Athy, Co Kildare .

Mum Nicola and dad Nicholas were told in ­January that their baby had just three weeks to live and to bring him home for palliative care. But “little warrior” Nickey is still alive. And Nicola is desperately seeking a life-saving operation for him.

She told The Irish Sun: “My baby is a survivor, which is why we are fighting so hard for him. “In January, I was told my baby boy had just three weeks to live. There was nothing more they could do for him.

“They tried to tell us we were in denial when we disagreed with their prognosis, but we still have him with us. He can’t walk or crawl, but is saying ‘mama’ and ‘dada’ and ‘I love you’, among other words. “He is a living miracle and, no matter what, we are going to try and get him whatever it takes for him to live.

He is a happy child and is not in pain.” Nickey was born 27 weeks premature, weighing in at 985g, a mere 2lbs 7ozs — less than a bag of sugar. After just two weeks, he contracted Covid .

He suffers from a number of serious conditions and receives seven different meds daily through a peg. Nicola added: “He was so tiny when he was bor.