Rumours of peacocks on the Toronto Islands are true. Every once in a while, about the Toronto Islands, , or in conversation, someone will mention the peacocks, triggering speculation that if they do exist, they’re probably descendants of runaways from Far Enough Farm on Centre Island. Talk falls off quickly, because it seems so improbable.

India is their native home. Peacocks couldn’t possibly survive a Canadian winter, even a wimpy Toronto winter — right? It turns out, wild peacocks roam freely on Mugg’s Island, but under the watchful eye of staff at the Toronto Island Yacht Club, who provide them with a warm place to winter and stay safe from coyotes who walk across the harbour ice to hunt on the islands. Unlike many other species of birds, peafowl — the males are peacocks and the females are peahens — are comfortable approaching humans.

In exchange, the peacocks enchant members with their spectacular plumage during mating season. Known to be curious, they show up for gala events, peering at visitors from the roof, or approaching them on the patio. “They’re like us, they like to see what’s going on,” said Paulo de Amelo, marine and yard manager, who brought the first feathered couple to the club in the 1990s, to animate and give character to the grounds.

Conrad, the patriarch, likes to perch on the roof of the restaurant, spying at diners through glass windows. “He loves to watch us on a busy day,” said restaurant supervisor Holly Berton. On Mugg’s.