Story by: HK Enterprises Over the past few decades, cosmetic surgery has come a long way. Although it may have once been fodder for tabloids and gossip magazines, the field has entered the mainstream, propelled forward by new technologies that enable surgeons to create striking, natural-looking results. Thanks to minimally invasive procedures, reduced downtime, and a relatively low risk of scarring, elective cosmetic surgery has become more popular than ever.

Whether it’s being used to reconstruct the face of someone who was injured in an accident or to help another person get a little closer to achieving their dream physique, cosmetic surgery is an art. The array of new surgical tools and other technologies available today is an important part of it — but a surgeon’s skilled hands are much more so. Today’s top cosmetic surgeons are more multifaceted than ever, and the physicians featured here go above and beyond.

They hold multiple board certifications, perform life-changing reconstructions, and educate their followers about safe elective procedures on social media. These doctors are sought by clients all over the world, and they appear on TV and in big-name magazines. Some have branched out into wellness medicine so they can help each patient look and feel their absolute best.

These five surgeons have already accomplished more than many others in the field do in a lifetime. But this likely won’t be the last time you’ll hear about them. The future of aesthetic me.