We speak to three award-winning bird photographers to find out what it takes to capture unique and inspiring portraits of beautiful birds from around the world. Like photographing generally, bird photography requires a lot of patience, practice and a camera for bird photography, but what else do you need to create awe-inspiring images? Read on for expert tips by Rachel Bigsby, Jake Levin and Jack Zhi. Seabirds provide me with a portal into another world.

I am mesmerised by their epic voyages, resilience, characterful behaviours, unique beauty and by the staggering fact that they are the only animal capable of surviving on the water, under the water, in the air and on land. They are the true masters of living life to the fullest, and perhaps my fascination is fuelled by a longing to be a part of their world. Photography allows me to connect to these species that I hold so dear to my heart while connecting a global audience to their story through the natural artistry of our seabirds and their homes.

It’s no secret that our great seabird cities can be incredibly overwhelming and as a result, it’s easy to leave without feeling fulfilled with your photographs. So, upon arriving at a seabird colony, take a good moment to stand back, observe and identify the behaviour(s) you wish to photograph – for example, a bird stretching out its wings. Keep focused on that bird and look at what they do in the moments before exhibiting that behaviour.

Being able to recognise those simple s.