As Diwali celebrations light up across India, the second day, known as Naraka Chaturdashi, features the sacred ritual of Abhyanga Snan. This early morning bath ritual, celebrated on 31st October 2024, rejuvenates the body and mind. Dive into Abhyanga Snan's significance and share inspirational quotes to embrace self-care.

New Delhi: With Diwali season starting strong with Dhanteras, everyone celebrating is filled with happiness and enthusiasm. It is one of the biggest festivals celebrated across India. The Diwali season is a five-day celebration of the triumph of light over darkness.

After the first day of Dhanteras, we get to celebrate Chhoti Diwali or Naraka Chaturdashi. On this day, Maharashtrians follow the custom of Abhyanga Snan. This is an auspicious ceremonial bath taken before the sun rises for the day.

It is seen as a mark of physical and spiritual cleansing. The Abhyanga Snan will purify the body and rejuvenate the spirit. This ceremonial bath is a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

Abhyanga Snan will be celebrated on the morning of 31st October. Abhyanga means “massaging” and Snan means “bathing.” It is a holistic practice that rejuvenates, and nurtures the body and mind.

Abhyanga Snan quotes in English Here are some of the best Abhyanga Snan quotes in English to celebrate Narak Chaturdashi! Abhyanga Snan quotes for Instagram Use these Abhyanga Snan quotes for Instagram to spread the spirit of Naraka Chaturdashi! Enjoy this Naraka Chaturdashi by taki.