Bhutan’s Department of Tourism is delighted to announce the country's festive season, a period rich in cultural magnificence and spiritual celebration. Highlighting this season's calendar are seven unique festivals; Thimphu Tshechu, Jomolhari Mountain Festival, Black Mountain Festival, Black Necked Crane Festival, Bhutan Bird Festival, Druk Wangyel Tshechu and the Royal Highland Festival. The festivals will take place between September to December 2024, showcasing Bhutan's national identity and offering a warm Bhutanese welcome to all who wish to experience the country’s living traditions.

The annual Thimphu Tshechu will take place from the 13-15 September 2024. It is held at Tendrelthang Festival Ground and is one of the largest and most significant religious and social events in Bhutan. While the festival spans three days for the public, monks and dancers start preparations months ahead.

Throughout the festival, various mask dances are showcased, including the Guru Tshengye (Eight Manifestations of Guru Rinpoche) and Shaw Shachi (Dance of the Stags). It’s a great opportunity to experience Bhutanese culture and see locals dressed in their best traditional gho and kira. The annual Jomolhari Mountain Festival will be held from 14-15 October 2024 at the Soe village Gewog Centre, an 8-hour walk from Shana Gewog (the nearest road point) in Paro.

The two-day Jomolhari Mountain Festival is a vibrant celebration of Lingzhi’s culture, tradition and natural heritage, and celeb.