Many people consider layovers, especially long ones, to be the worst part of traveling. Often, passengers are stuck at airports across the world with very little to do except for sitting and counting the minutes past while waiting for their connecting flights. However, many airports across the world have realized this and have begun transforming their terminals in recent years to better accommodate passengers stuck on long layovers.

Some of the world's best airports now offer amenities such as luxury lounges, aquariums, gourmet restaurants, sleeping pods, pools, cinemas, and much more. Let's explore some of these airports and what they offer that can improve long layovers. Travelers should consider routing their flights through these airports to better deal with layovers.

is a futuristic, high-tech facility. Some of its more unusual amenities include magic mirrors that let travelers try different clothing items virtually. Along with the new technological amenities, the airport also boasts its own IMAX theater, an outdoor mini golf course, and even an iSports simulator.

One other unique aspect of the airport is its direct connection to public transportation. Just outside the front gates is a subway station that can transport travelers to the nearby Disneyland within 30 minutes. The airport's Sky Garden is also an excellent place to catch some fresh air after, or before, a long flight.

is a great place to travel year-round, but it is extra special during the Christmas season. T.