Summary Petlyakov Pe-8: The only four-engine heavy bomber designed by the Soviet Union has an underwhelming production of only 93 aircraft. Heinkel He 177 Greif: A German long-range bomber acquired the nickname "Air Force Lighter" due to in-flight fires. Avro Lancaster: The British heavy bomber with the highest payload involved massive production, as it mobilized 1.

1 million workers. World War 2 was a gruesome period that saw the development of some of the most extraordinary military aircraft of their time. These included the likes of the Heinkel He 219 and Morane-Saulnier MS.

406 , among others. You can see some of these aircraft in historical museums around the world. Among all these aircraft produced during World War 2, which was the heaviest bomber? Let's find out.

By popular demand, these are the WW2 6-engine aircraft you seek. 5 Petlyakov Pe-8 The only four-engine heavy aircraft designed by the Soviet Union Maximum take-off weight 70,550 lbs Payload 11,000 lbs Primarily used by the Soviet Air Forces (and designed by the Soviet Union), the Petlyakov Pe-8 was the only four-engine heavy aircraft designed by this nation. Compared to other countries, the Soviet Union produced more tanks and bolt action rifles, but it produced just 93 Petlyakov Pe-8s.

This was an underwhelming number. Andrei Tupolev, the man who designed the Tupolev Tu-95, was initially in charge of developing a better bomber than the Tupolev TB-3 series of bombers, which had been more or less antiquated in th.