Most often tourists choose Mallorca, Madeira or Santorini. However, not everyone knows that there are locations that are not lagging behind in terms of beauty and attractiveness of these popular places. What corners you haven't heard about yet - read below.

Flores, Portugal Located in the western part of the Azores archipelago and is one of the most picturesque islands in the country. It is famous for its waterfalls, verdant valleys and clean beaches. And it has also been included in the international network of UNESCO biosphere reserves.

The harbor was discovered by the navigator Diogo de Teive in 1452, but active settlement began only at the beginning of the XVI century. The air temperature in the region varies from 19 to 23°C. The most popular coast is Fajã Grande.

Here black volcanic sand and rocky terrain prevail. Also near the airport is another recreation area - Piscinas naturais de Santa Cruz das Flores. By the way, in order to get into the water, you need to go down a concrete staircase.

There are a lot of rocks lying around, so be careful. Be sure to go on a boat ride around the island. In a short time tourists will be able to see the majestic grottoes and the arc of Arco de Santa Cruz das Flores.

For diving enthusiasts, we recommend going to Baía de Alagoa Bay. To experience the true power of nature, we recommend trying canyoning on the mountain streams of Ribeira do Algares and Ribeira do Cabo and Ribeira do Mosteiros. And of course, visit the Ribeira Grande .