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push((api) => api.addSlot({"key":"card","index":"1","searchTerm":null,"fullSearchTerm":null})); Faye Documentary and factual News and current affairs 2024 Laurent Bouzereau 91 mins Summary: The life and career of actress Faye Dunaway, who talks about her bipolar disorder diagnosis and discusses her reputation for being difficult to work with RT says:: Laurent Bouzereau’s candid portrait of Faye Dunaway opens with the legendary Hollywood actor complaining..

. about the camera angle, the chair she’s sitting in and how long filming’s taking. Clearly, there’s some truth in her reputation for being difficult, which once led Bette Davis to brand her “impossible”.

However, as she talks about the film roles she has played — often damaged, uncompromising women — we learn how her upbringing, her alcoholism and her mental health issues have affected her, although she dismisses her bipolar diagnosis as “just a thing that is part of my make-up”. Central to the interview is her impressive body of work in films such as Bonnie and Clyde, Mommie Dearest, Chinatown and Network. JANE RACKHAM How to watch Dame Judi and Jay: The Odd Couple Documentary and factual News and current affairs Summary: Jay Blades and Judi Dench have become friends since meeting on an episode of The Repair Shop three years ago.

However, there is still a lot they don't know about the unique journeys that brought them together. They've decide.