Wildlife today is facing unusual challenges, with numerous species on the edge of being extinct. Climate change, habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflicts are just a few of the pressing threats that are pushing these animals closer to the edge. As the balance of ecosystems is disrupted, the survival of these species is not just a loss for nature but humanity as well.

Have a look at some of the species that are endangered or at risk of being extinct. ALSO READ: 8 Safari Destinations In Africa Here are the top 10 at-risk animals racing against extinction. Galapagos Penguin: (Image source: Canva) Found exclusively in the Galapagos Islands, this species of penguin is facing a dramatic population decline, with less than 2,000 individuals remaining.

They are highly vulnerable to warming sea temperatures, which reduce the availability of their food sources. Apart from this, pollution, fishing bycatch, etc. are some of the important reasons for their decline.

Bengal Tiger: (Image source: Canva) The majestic Bengal Tiger, primarily found in India, is critically endangered, with less than 2,000 left in the wild. These tigers are threatened by rampant poaching, habitat loss due to urban development, and increasing human-wildlife conflicts as their natural habitats shrink. Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle: (Image source: Twitter/ Wet Tribe) As the world’s smallest sea turtle, the Kemp’s Ridley is critically endangered, with only about 700 nests per season.

These turtles face thr.