Sega was a big player in the arcade industry during the ‘80s, but they had trouble breaking into the home console market. The Master System was mired in difficulties, but almost through sheer marketing, it was able to make a sizeable dent in the North American market with the Sega Genesis in 1989. Mine was a Nintendo household growing up.

But surprisingly, in my youthful days on the schoolyard, we never really argued about what was the better console between the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. I don’t know why. It just didn’t matter at my school.

Besides, I was spending a lot of time on my cousin’s Genesis right around the corner. Over the past couple of decades, I’ve grown an affection for Sega’s classic console, helped in part by the distinctive tones of its FM Synth sound chip. The Genesis, perhaps more than any other console, projects itself onto its games.

There’s an almost definable Genesis feel that can even creep onto games that were ported from other consoles. There’s nothing quite like it, and the following games prove that. Before we get started, this list omits Sega CD and Sega 32X games, because I feel those are different topics.

I don’t think any would make this list, anyway. I am also only including games that were released in North America for simplicity’s sake. I’m also not going to do honorable mentions because we’d be here all day, but make no mistake that the Genesis has a great library worth exploring beyond these ten games.

10. L.