SINGAPORE, Aug 20 — Singaporeans often give reasons such as cooler weather and better work-life balance on why they move abroad, but one woman’s hot take on safety concerns in the island state has raised eyebrows. In a post on TikTok listing reasons why she chose to leave Singapore for Amsterdam in the Netherlands, the woman — who goes by the user name “yantheboo” on the social media platform — said that she “no longer feels safe as a girl living in Singapore”. “There are too many.

.. upskirting, molestation cases, catcalling and cheekopek (lechers),” she wrote.

In contrast, she said that when she was abroad, she did not receive “unsolicited eye stares that would make me uncomfortable”. Still, the woman acknowledged in her August 16 post that Singapore is generally safe. “There’s a low probability of people trying to mug/stab you or steal from you,” she noted.

The TikTok post has since attracted more than 210,000 views and some 750 comments, with most users discussing the safety comparison between Singapore and the Netherlands. TODAY has reached out to the woman to learn more about her experience. Other reasons for leaving In a seven-slide photo carousel on TikTok, the woman shared five reasons she decided to pack her bags and work overseas.

Aside from her safety concerns, the weather was a major factor, because she found Singapore too hot and humid, saying that she “can’t be sweating perpetually”. With the cooler weather in Amsterdam, she s.