There are few individuals who immerse themselves in the traditions, myths, and legends of their homeland like the passion and dedication of Tony Sulupin. His journey from a young boy in a remote village to a cultural and agricultural advocate in Enga is a story to his deep-rooted commitment to preserving and promoting his heritage. Born on August 28, 1979, in Wanepap village, Laiagam district, Enga province, Tony’s early life was marked by a close relationship with nature.

Growing up in the agrarian village of Titai, near the Wanepap Catholic mission, he was immersed in the natural world from a young age. By the age of 11, Tony had mastered the art of bird trapping and became an avid hunter. His childhood was spent setting traps and gathering birds, a reflection of his profound connection to his environment.

Tony’s upbringing was shaped by a strong sense of responsibility. His parents admired his willingness to perform household chores without being asked, from tending to pigs and gathering firewood to planting trees. This early exposure to hard work and discipline laid the foundation for his future endeavours.

In 1990, Tony began his formal education at Wanepap Community School. His father’s advice to focus solely on his studies and avoid distractions became a guiding principle. Tony embraced this advice, dedicating himself to his education with determination.

After completing grade six, he continued his studies at St. Paul’s Lutheran School for grade 10 and later gr.