Thursday, August 22, 2024 Pacific Tourism Organisation Unveils 2023 Tonga Tourism Survey: Key Insights into Visitor Trends and Economic Impact The Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO), through its Pacific Tourism Data Initiative (PTDI), has released the findings from the 2023 International Visitor Survey (IVS) for the Kingdom of Tonga. Conducted throughout the year from January to December 2023, the survey offers valuable insights into the demographics and behaviors of visitors to Tonga, including their countries of origin, age, gender, and reasons for visiting. The survey gathered responses from 1,003 participants, representing a total of 3,147 adults and 985 children, accounting for approximately seven percent of all visitors to Tonga.

The results highlight several key factors that influenced travelers’ decisions to visit, such as the warmth and hospitality of the local people, the variety of activities and attractions available, and the overall cleanliness of the environment. In 2023, Tonga welcomed approximately 55,749 international visitors arriving by air, contributing an estimated $69 million to the local economy, according to the IVS data. These figures underscore the significant economic impact of tourism on the island nation.

SPTO CEO Christopher Cocker emphasized the crucial role of the PTDI in providing actionable insights that help shape tourism strategies in Tonga and the wider Pacific region. “By leveraging data-driven insights, this initiative helps policym.