One man who may be able to relate to what is experiencing after his split with is his own father. John Fury was married with kids when he divorced his wife after he . His son Tommy (August 14) that he and Molly — who were engaged and are parents to a little girl called Bambi — have broken up.

The reason for the split has not been revealed — and below we look inside the love life of Tommy Fury’s dad who has been open about his hedonistic past. John was born in Galway, Ireland, and he once said “no woman in the world” will ever compare to his mother who took care of the family. The traveller, now 59, spent his youth fighting others before he took up professional boxing where he had 13 fights but never made as much as £3,000.

He had eight wins and four losses but in his late 20s he turned to partying and was known as a playboy. Giving an insight on the about what a John Fury booze-up looked like, he said: “Three or four brasses every night, three or four bottles of whiskey. If there was any drugs going I would have them and all.

Anything goes. “I woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, three brasses in the bed and I thought you know what, let’s go home to the kids I've had enough. “That’s what I did, I would go home, the missus would batter me with a rolling pin for about 10 minutes and I would get get on with it, I deserve it, back to work Monday morning.

But then I used to go walkabouts again and that was John Fury. But I would always loved and cheris.