Red Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia sanguinea). This mid-sized shrub grows to 10-15 feet tall and produces 12-16 inches of trumpet-shaped red/yellow flowers. This photo shows a plant shaded by taller plants and not flowering well, so we removed it and replaced it with Sunset Variegated Angel Trumpet (Brugmansia 'Sunset').

The new plant is doing well. (Photo courtesy Tom Karwin) Shining Pink Rock Purslane (Calandrinia spectabilis). This plant’s brilliant magenta flowers are striking.

Appearing in spring, these 2-inch, cup-shaped flowers rise 2 feet above the rosette of leaves, waving in the breeze. Each stem typically produces at least 10 flowers, which stay open only a day or two. An endless succession of flowering spikes is produced over a long season, often into the fall.

Calandrinia spectabilis is part of the Portulacaceae plant family, commonly known as purslanes. (Photo courtesy Tom Karwin) Flower of the Inca (Cantua buxifolia). This upright shrub grows about 6 feet high with erect stems and arching branches holding small semi-succulent gray-green leaves.

In spring, a profusion of orange to magenta-pink flowers appear with a long tube and a flaring mouth held on thin pedicels so the flowers dangle beneath. It is pollinated by hummingbirds. It can be outrageous in bloom but is a somewhat untidy garden plant with a sprawling form.

It is the national flower of Peru and one of two national flowers of Bolivia. (Photo courtesy Tom Karwin) Peruvian Old Man Cactus (Espostoa lanata.