n true Hollywood style, stole the show at , pulling off a stunt that only he could make look so effortlessly cool. Forget about simply passing the torch- , making sure the transition from the Paris Games to the was anything but ordinary. The star, who's been in Europe filming the latest installment of the franchise, took the dive from the top of , landing smack in the middle of the Olympic stage.

The crowd? Absolutely lost their minds. And who was there to greet him? None other than , who accepted the Olympic flag from . But Cruise wasn't done yet.

In a scene straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster, , riding through the streets of Paris like a man on a mission. With the ' hit " " blasting in the background, he didn't just stop there. The actor leaped out of it mid-air, and .

And what did he do when he landed? Attached the to the sign, sealing the deal in true Cruise fashion. This wasn't Cruise's first Olympic rodeo either. The action star has been a fixture at the Paris Games, attending the opening ceremony on , and rubbing elbows with A-listers like , and Just a day before the games kicked off, he was even honored as a by France's culture minister, .

Talk about a busy week! Tom Cruise turns Paris Olympics closing ceremony into Hollywood blockbuster with an amazing cast and soundtrack Meanwhile, L.A. was already gearing up for its big moment in 2028, as , and the delivered electric performances at the handover celebration.

, and winner also brought down the house with her ren.