With the exception of Marty McFly, Dr. Who and a few others, we in this existence are experiencing time as an arrow that flies ever-forward. Things do not, as a rule, go back to the way they were.

As Mercury pulls away from Saturn, aka “Father Time,” we are reminded that even when you clear, clean and reset, hundreds of slight alterations add up to an entirely different situation. ARIES (March 21-April 19). The question of when to stop is bound to arise.

“Quit while you’re ahead” is the saying, but how far ahead? If you pull back too soon, you’ll never discover the true limits of what’s possible. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You have many ways of keeping the kingdom of your own mind in a beautiful balance.

However, you could still use a few more tools and strategies to keep trouble out and a lovely peace within. You’ll pick one up today. GEMINI (May 21-June 21).

You’re preparing for something important, and mindset will make the event a winner. The right ritual will help you get into the spirit of this. Take an experimental approach to find what works best for you.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Change in any direction because they all go to the same place today. You’re like the water of your sign.

Water always finds the way. Whether you fall soft as rain or crash like a mighty wave, you’ll eventually be at the sea. Other advice columns Miss Manners: I don’t want to go to the opera with my friend’s annoying ‘comfort’ poodle Dear Annie: Why has my daughte.