HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY, BY HOLIDAY MATHIS The Taurus moon is at odds with Venus, which is uncomfortable for both. Then again, when matters of the heart are too comfortable, bad things happen. People take one another for granted.

They forget to pay each other back, or more likely, one party forgets and the other can’t stop thinking about it. A little discomfort can inspire everyone to behave better. ARIES (March 21-April 19).

There’s charm in letting loose, laughing at the little things and embracing the absurdities of life. It’s a pleasure and a gift to spend time with those certain people who make you feel playful, and you’ll express yourself in a way that’s genuine and unguarded. TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

Historical figures, celebrities and people you admire make the same kinds of mistakes everyone else does. You’ve been known to forgive your favorites. Count yourself and your loved ones among the favorites and go easy.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). To your eye, the world is filled with beauty, though sometimes you take in these sights through the blurriness of tears. You’ll be successful in a mission to counteract a hundred reasons to cry with a thousand reasons to laugh.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Ask any instructor of hot yoga, the temperature matters. Warmth can allow for more fluidity, flexibility and the opportunity to sweat out the bad stuff and take in more life-affirming breath.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ve a fond wish.

You’ve had it for a while now, an.