It’s so normal to want to seek things such as perfection, validation and happiness, though these are precisely the kinds of slippery pursuits that can never be fully caught. As soon as you touch them, they move a little further out of reach. The sturgeon moon suggests we trade the energy of “seeking” altogether today for the energy of “living in,” which is always happening right now.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). There’s no reason to focus on the shame of unrealized goals, past mistakes or current shortcomings. Your courage can be put to better use by focusing on what’s going right and well.

You hold the keys. Break free. TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

Your time and attention are precious, and you’ll figure out just how to apply them to the best effect. Knowing what matters will save you from fussing over what doesn’t. GEMINI (May 21-June 21).

You’ve seen things, yet you’r`e not jaded. This is the beauty of your mind, a mind that remains open and curious. Who else benefits from your optimism? Anyone you’re close to, as your perspective brightens the way.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Responsibilities have weight. Some feel heavier than lead.

But if you don’t raise yourself to the highest standards, who will? Your commitment to excellence will make you strong and shape you into a person of integrity and resilience. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).

Greatness has little to nothing to do with perfection. In fact, things that are “too perfect” are widely considered uncool..