Shooting the Time With the exception of Marty McFly, Dr. Who and a few others, we in this existence are experiencing time as an arrow that flies ever-forward. Things do not, as a rule, go back to the way they were.

As Mercury pulls away from Saturn, aka “Father Time,” we are reminded that even when you clear, clean and reset, hundreds of slight alterations add up to an entirely different situation. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.

22). Broaden your scope and stay aware of a wider array of options because it’s the ideas on the outer edge that have the potential to really delight you. You’ll be offered something unique and you’ll be in just the position to run with it.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).

The road that feels right for you will actually be right. Unfortunately, it won’t be the shortcut. That easy road would get you to the destination, but without the requisite skills to be as effective as you want to be upon arrival.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).

It seems like it should be easy to get to know people, but it’s a little trickier than it seems sometimes and requires curiosity, awareness and the ability to retain and correlate the information you glean. Today, it’s a bit of a project, really. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.

22-Dec. 21). As much as you try to make sense of contradictions and inconsistencies, it’s not always possible.

To accept the disparate pieces of reality without attempting to close the gaps will bring deep peace. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.

19). The invitation seems casua.