End of a Retrograde The end of the Mercury retrograde delivers a moral to the story. Impatience and frustration boil down to one thing: a belief that one’s own timing is superior to the timing of the world. Of course, this belief is not only absurd but it’s impossible to prove, since the world only ever goes by its own timing.

That’s why patience is not just for the wise. It’s also for the practical. VIRGO (Aug.

23-Sept. 22). It is possible to live in a castle and still feel poor inside because true wealth involves riches of the soul.

The heart-guided decisions you make today will grow the riches that matter. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.

23). Sometimes, we don’t realize what we truly want until we see others having it. Use envy as a compass, guiding you toward your buried desire so you can bring it to the surface, pursue and embrace it.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).

You’ve been known to lead others without appearing to, which is brilliant, though in your case could also be a subconscious instinct that even you don’t realize it yourself. The result will be a devoted following. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.

22-Dec. 21). Rarely do fully formed ideas fall down from the sky, causing us to know exactly what to do next.

You’ll be glad for the exciting adventure that happens because you were in a position to find, figure out and perhaps invent the answers. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.

19). Even when you’d rather play it safe and stay cozy at home, you will still push yourself to do a little mo.