Cat Whimsy With Mercury’s return to the sign of the cat, this time in backward motion, the weekend gets a delightful dusting of whimsy. Just because an impulse is playful doesn’t mean it will be taken as such. Misunderstandings are still possible, if not prevalent under the Mercury retrograde.

Go gingerly, testing as you go. The cat’s effectiveness can often be attributed to a talent for treading lightly. LEO (July 23-Aug.

22). Fortune favors your choice to focus small and get the little things so right. Beautifully attended details will attract people who know and appreciate fine work.

You’ll impact a moment, a heart and a season. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.

22). Just because you trust your intuition doesn’t mean you act on every hunch. Your success will be based in part by your refusal to take anything too seriously or too literally, including self-direction.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).

Though an evolutionary negativity bias has kept humans safe for centuries, these days there’s more benefit to thinking positively. Your optimism is well founded today, and what you focus on will grow. SCORPIO (Oct.

24-Nov. 21). These are not easy times, but your grateful heart makes them easier.

You’re appreciative of the little things that make life enjoyable. Only a few generations ago, something as simple as ice cream in the summer would have been an impossibility. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.

22-Dec. 21). People’s expectations can be a source of motivation or stress.

Staying in a place is a .