DEAR DR. ROACH: In a recent column, a reader mentioned that they were having problems coming up with words and wondered if a supplement would help. They mentioned taking medication for neuropathy.

Some of the medications for neuropathy have brain fog as a side effect. — P.A.

ANSWER: I appreciate your writing. Of all the causes for people to have memory and concentration problems, a side effect from medication is one of the most common and easily reversible. You are right that many medications used for neuropathy, especially gabapentin and pregabalin, can cause difficulty concentrating.

Many people describe this as brain fog. It's worthwhile to discuss any medication, even over-the-counter ones and supplements, with your doctor to see if any of these might be causing this symptom. DEAR DR.

ROACH: My daughter is in her 30s and has been experiencing infertility for several years. She and her husband have been tested, and the issue is her egg quality. She's had several rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) with no success.

At age 19, she was prescribed Accutane for her acne. She had to take a monthly pregnancy test in order to take this medication. I researched this medication at the time and was aware of the depression side effects.

I was also aware that if a pregnancy occurred while taking this drug, it would have to be terminated. The situation was not a concern at the time. Now, years later, her fertility doctor says that she has eggs, but they are of poor quality.

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