I’m so irritated. I am currently sat writing this, in the AMES library, with my arse chafing against the library seat because last night, it rained. It snowed just about everywhere else in England, but obviously not Cambridge.

So, instead of a magical morning filled with festive Bridgemas whimsy, my bike seat, handles, and basket, got unromantically soggy, and I arrived at Sidge looking like a bathroom mishap. This could just be my evil bike seat, but no matter how much I wipe it, and no matter how dry it appears, it works like a sponge. Look at me.

What a state. Last year, I used my UL plastic bag to protect me from soggy bottom days like today (20p needed to be put to some good use, given that I haven’t been back since). That was until the fateful day somebody nicked the bag off of my seat.

If this was you, I hope you are having a bad day. “As much as a wet-bum look is kind of hilarious, it’s cold and annoying” As much as a wet-bum look is kind of hilarious, it’s cold and annoying. annoying.

I cannot avoid cycling; the U Bus is speedy enough. Every day I wake up and I think: 'Am I cycling today?' If the answer is no, I whack on a skirt, or some slightly impractical baggy trousers of any length, a top, and a jumper, and I go about my day. If I cycling, my options thin out.

Jeans are a go-to. They can deal with oil stains until the next wash, and probably won’t rip: a bit sturdier than most trousers. If you wear baggy jeans, you have to wear long enough socks or.