WHAT great news to start the week! The Princess of Wales has revealed she has completed her course of preventative chemo. 3 The Princess of Wales talks about focusing on the things that matter most, the things that bring her the most joy Credit: Will Warr 3 Welcome to the club, Kate. You are a survivor Credit: Will Warr The end of cancer treatment is a huge milestone .

Regardless of the initial diagnosis, the type of chemo, whether you have surgery or not, the significance and impact of this news should not be underestimated. It has huge physical significance, but often a bigger factor for many cancer patients is the emotional impact. The big question is typically, ‘Now what?’ .

READ MORE ON PRINCESS KATE KATE’S COMEBACK Kate to return for major events & ‘looks forward to being back at work’ MESSAGE OF HOPE Kate confirms she’s finished chemo & is focusing on being ‘cancer free’ For those fortunate to have escaped being touched by the disease, it might seem pretty straightforward. Get the party poppers out, the banners and bunting and crack open the Champagne! In short, draw a big black line under the whole experience and crack on. Get living.

It’s done, dusted...

time to pick up where you left off. You are a cancer survivor. You are changed in ways you may not yet be aware of - both wonderful but unsettling too.

And yes, it goes without saying, there is so much to celebrate. Most read in Royals ALMOST THERE First footage emerges of final touches being put to.