Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah actor Gurucharan Singh, who recently returned to the city after being missing for a while, has opened up about the controversy surrounding Asit Modi and Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal. The actor, who played the male lead opposite Jennifer in TMKOC, shared that he personally tried to resolve things between them but was scared and didn’t want to get his name involved in any way. ADVERTISEMENT In a conversation with Siddharth Kannan, Singh was asked about Jennifer’s accusations and explained, "Main iss baare mein do baatein bolunga.

Main Jennifer ji se mila tha, unse kaafi baat hui. Main Asit bhai ke paas bhi jaata tha kyunki woh mere kuch cheezein unse thi..

. Maine yeh koshish ki thi ki un dono ki mulakat ho jaaye. Ye maine 100 percent koshish ki thi.

Kuch aisa ho gaya tha ki lag raha tha ki mere pe koi baat na ho jaaye iss cheez pe. Kyunki kabhi kabhi jo help karne jaata hai na woh bekasur se kasurwaar ho jaata hai. Maine yeh try kiya tha ki dono ki mulakat ho, baith ke usko sort out kare (I will say two things about this.

I met Jennifer and talked to her. I met Asit also for some things. I had tried to set up a meeting between them.

It came to a point where I felt that what if I am dragged into the mud in their matter? I wanted them to sort out the matter)." It was last year, in 2023, when an FIR was filed against Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah producer Asit Modi, operation head Sohail Ramani, and executive producer Jatin Bajaj. During many inte.